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04 September 2024 | Governments | Trippz

New Zealand increases its tourist tax – what is happening?

What is all the buzz around New Zealand about? We will explore why the IVL is increasing, how it works, and whether other tourist taxes are on the horizon.
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Initiators of "Amsterdam has a choice" consider legal action

Compliancy | Governments
Not surprisingly, the initiators of 'Amsterdam has a choice' are considering going to court. What exactly is going on?
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Protests in Spain against renting homes to tourists. Is the genie out of the bottle?

Compliancy | Governments
Protests against the misuse of homes (renting to tourists), high rental prices, and nuisances are currently spreading rapidly in Spain. What is going on?
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Euro 2024: 6 million Euros missed in Munich?

Big sporting events, such as the current European Championships Football in Germany and the upcoming Olympics in Paris, are viewed as excellent means to boost tourism to the destination. So announced Airbnb last week that bookings for the Olympics time window are up 400% (!!) compared to last year.
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Trippz is SOC 1 Type 2 and SOC 2 Type 2 certified

With the digitization of today's world, compliance with specific security standards is increasingly important. How does Trippz handle data, and how is Trippz compliant?
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"Tourist Tax: how difficult can it be?"

Platforms | Trippz
People often ask us why tourist tax rates are so difficult. "It just a database with one rate per city, right?" Well, no. Let's explain the complexity!
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Barcelona outlaws short-term-rental (Airbnb and other platforms) by the end of 2028! What's going on?

Compliancy | Governments | Platforms
The major of Barcelona mentioned that purchase (+70%) and rental (+40%) prices have increased so much over the last decade, that especially young people suffer from a lack of affordable housing and are forced out of the city. Barcelona addresses this and the short-term-rental ban is one measure aimed at doing that.
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