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04 September 2024 | Governments | Trippz

New Zealand increases its tourist tax – what is happening?

What is all the buzz around New Zealand about? We will explore why the IVL is increasing, how it works, and whether other tourist taxes are on the horizon.
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New Zealand increases its tourist tax – what is happening?

Governments | Trippz
What is all the buzz around New Zealand about? We will explore why the IVL is increasing, how it works, and whether other tourist taxes are on the horizon.
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Increasing overtourism: how do we turn the tide?

Compliancy | Governments
Tourism & nuisance. A huge amount is being written about it, because more relevant than ever. But this year, something seems to have snapped. Now what?
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Inspiring: Bali shows added value of tourist tax

In the video below, Bali demonstrates how the newly introduced tourist tax is being used to achieve sustainable tourism. The video also highlights an undesirable reality: tourists have a major impact on local communities and it’s nature.
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Venice's Tourist Fee: Two Months In - An Update and Critical Reflection

Two weeks after the end of the trial, it's time to have a look at the first results of the entry fee in Venice.
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H1 2024 ended: what have we accomplished thus far?

The first six months of 2024 have flown by! A great time to look back on what we have all accomplished so far.
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The olympics are starting: Paris is going for the gold in more ways than one!

This week, the Olympics begin in Paris. While athletes aim for gold medals, the city has set its sights on a different kind of gold: the tourist tax.
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Lodging Tax
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