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23 May 2024 | Compliancy | Governments | Hosts | Platforms | Trippz

Tourist tax data of Switzerland is covered

After months of hard work, we have collected all the data on tourist taxes in Switzerland, and it now works on our platform.

Being compliant is not always easy

Understanding and complying with tourist tax legislation appears simple, but that is not always the case. Many countries, like Switzerland, have different rules for each region and municipality. This means more than 2100 jurisdictions in Switzerland, each with the ability to set their own rules and rates. As a result, it is not always easy for online booking platforms to be fully compliant and pass on the correct tax rates to guests.

How Trippz solves this

Luckily, Trippz is here to help! We ensure our clients of being compliant with local legislation, by continuously monitoring the latest rules and rates, and updating it on our platform.

With Switzerland, we started our content expansion towards the German speaking countries in Europe. Next up: Austria and Germany!

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Tourist Tax Made Easy

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